18 Free Ribbon Social Media Icons PNG (256 px)

18 Free Ribbon Social Media Icons PNG (256 px)

18 Free Ribbon Social Media Icons2 18 Free Ribbon Social Media Icons PNG (256 px)

Social media icons clutch a significant place when we talk about the formation of a theme or a website. They can be placed either on header, footer or on the side bar of your website. Social media icons should be designed in a way that they may abruptly attract the visitors’ attention and grasp their focus in one go– to like your social media pages at the very glimpse they catch of them. The free version of Ribbon social media icons pack is available from 48 px to 256 px.

So here I come with beautiful 18 free Ribbon social media icons set that can become a part and parcel of light shaded or white background websites. It’s the time to make your sites look more beautiful, attractive and communicating as well.
Do subscribe us for more free icons and free Vectors.

Free Version:

Available Size: 48, 72, 96, 128, 256 px
Free Icons Download26399 downloads

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